Review: To You Shall All Flesh Come

Features: Is it really a crime if there are no victims? This supernatural horror centers around the morally gray organ business of Riley, Ray, and Jazz and the FBI detective trying to uncover the secret behind their operation. I am generally not a big fan of vampire books, but this one really hooked me withContinue reading “Review: To You Shall All Flesh Come”

Review: The Bad Ones

Features: “Goddess, Goddess, count to one, who will you pick when the day is done?” With a story centered around local urban legends and a double dutch rhyme, this book really delivers on the creepy vibes. Despite being a bit of a slow burn, I found I just couldn’t put it down. An uncanny feelingContinue reading “Review: The Bad Ones”

Review: The Last Book You’ll Ever Read

Date of Publication: September 20, 2022 Type: Graphic Novel, Supernatural, Horror, Thriller Content Warnings: Nudity, Sex, Gore, Death, Dismemberment, Graphic Violence, Animal Death Links: Goodreads/Bookshop I have to admit, this horror graphic novel had me scratching my head a bit. I love the art style and the premise definitely drew me in. The beginning isContinue reading “Review: The Last Book You’ll Ever Read”

Review: Obscure

Author: Krista Walsh Date Published: July 1, 2022 Once I started, I couldn’t put this down! Obscure is part political thriller, part urban fantasy, and all action. It is clear from the very beginning that something big is happening deep within the Canadian government and the book keeps you on the edge of your seatContinue reading “Review: Obscure”

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