Review: Devil is Fine

Features: One can be haunted by many things in many ways, and this narrator experiences almost every way possible. Devil is Fine starts with an emotional drive to his son’s funeral and never really lets up from there. However, the narrative style gives it a calm, reflective feel despite some of the more intense moments.Continue reading “Review: Devil is Fine”

Review: Joe Nuthin’s Guide to Life

Features: This beautiful story about empathy, community, and discovering strength through the challenges life throws our way was the warm hug I didn’t know I needed. Fisher treats her characters with such love and respect as they grapple with very difficult challenges. The main character, Joe-Nathan, is one of the most well characterized/represented neurodiverse charactersContinue reading “Review: Joe Nuthin’s Guide to Life”

Review: Troubled Waters

Features: Troubled Waters is a captivatingly beautiful and heartfelt piece that will stay with you long past the final page. It weaves together the tale of a family grieving a recent loss with a much longer history of loss and struggle. Told by characters from three different generations, the past comes back to haunt theContinue reading “Review: Troubled Waters”

Review: The Half-life of Snails

Author: Philippa Holloway Published: November 07, 2022 The Half-life of Snails has such an interesting premise, but I found the pacing and characters a little hard to deal with at times. Like a lot of character-focused books, things move at a ‘snail’s pace’ and it takes a while to reach the heart of the story.Continue reading “Review: The Half-life of Snails”

Review: All the Girls in Town

Date of Publication: July 26, 2022 Type: Literary Fiction, Mental Health, Female Friendship and Empowerment Links: Goodreads / Bookshop / Content Warnings: Abortion, Addiction, Emotional Abuse, Infidelity, Gaslighting, Body shaming, Mental Health This is a brave and emotional story of three women finding their footing after being hurt by the same man. As eachContinue reading “Review: All the Girls in Town”

Review: Mr. Wilder & Me

Publication Date: September 27, 2022 (US Release) Type: Historical Fiction, Biographical, Film Links: Goodreads/Bookshop / Content Warnings: Discussions of Abortion (Minor) Get ready to enter the dazzling, and not-so-dazzling, world of the Hollywood Film industry. This Historical Fiction about the famous who have past their prime is a bit of a slow burn, but anContinue reading “Review: Mr. Wilder & Me”

Review: Maps of Our Spectacular Bodies

Author: Maddie Mortimer Publish Date: June 28, 2022 This stunning poetic novel is an intimate exploration of mind, body, and experience in both their literal and symbolic manifestations. As main character Lia and her family struggle with a recurrence of breast cancer, the reader is taken on a journey through all of the pieces, pastContinue reading “Review: Maps of Our Spectacular Bodies”

Review: The Lost Storyteller

Author: Amanda Block Publish Date: July 08, 2021 The Lost Storyteller is a beautiful Literary Fiction that explores complex family relationships and mental health. Through seven original fairy-tales written by her long absent father, main character Rebecca is reintroduced to a man she barely knows while trying to solve the mystery of his disappearance. WhereContinue reading “Review: The Lost Storyteller”

Review: Unlikely Animals

5/5 Stars

This quirky book is a conceptual menagerie that will make you feel all of the emotions…ALL OF THEM. This is a must read for anyone who loves literary fiction and doesn’t mind some speculative elements tossed in. 

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