Review: In the Hour of Crows

Features: This haunting book is a phenomenal small town mystery with a heavy dose of folklore and magic. Dark and atmospheric, this story quickly draws you in. It is definitely the kind of story that throws you right in and though you might start off feeling a little lost in the woods, things quickly comeContinue reading “Review: In the Hour of Crows”

Review: The Dangerous Ones

Features: Oh dear. This one is definitely a diamond in the rough. I have so many thoughts that it’s going to be hard to sum up, but here we go! Main characters Jerusalem and Alexei are well realized and have great chemistry on the page. I enjoyed their banter and the evolution of their relationship,Continue reading “Review: The Dangerous Ones”

Review: Fractured Soul

Type: Historical Fiction Publication Date: March 14, 2023 (English), August 19, 2019 Links: Goodreads/Amazon/Bookshop/Storygraph Content Warnings: Separation from Parent (Death Implied), Police Brutality, Grief, Racial Slurs, War/Violence This book is a beautiful exploration of music, love, and connection through both conflict and time. Rei/Jacque’s long journey to heal after his traumatic separation from his fatherContinue reading “Review: Fractured Soul”

Review: Traveler

Author: Nola Nash Traveler is a time bending tale that is perfect for those looking for a lighter read with a bit of history and mythology strewn in. It lovingly depicts famous locals in both their past and present forms as our main character tries to find her place in it all. There’s also aContinue reading “Review: Traveler”

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