Review: The Half-life of Snails

Author: Philippa Holloway Published: November 07, 2022 The Half-life of Snails has such an interesting premise, but I found the pacing and characters a little hard to deal with at times. Like a lot of character-focused books, things move at a ‘snail’s pace’ and it takes a while to reach the heart of the story.Continue reading “Review: The Half-life of Snails”

Review: Maps of Our Spectacular Bodies

Author: Maddie Mortimer Publish Date: June 28, 2022 This stunning poetic novel is an intimate exploration of mind, body, and experience in both their literal and symbolic manifestations. As main character Lia and her family struggle with a recurrence of breast cancer, the reader is taken on a journey through all of the pieces, pastContinue reading “Review: Maps of Our Spectacular Bodies”

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