Review: The Dangerous Ones

Features: Oh dear. This one is definitely a diamond in the rough. I have so many thoughts that it’s going to be hard to sum up, but here we go! Main characters Jerusalem and Alexei are well realized and have great chemistry on the page. I enjoyed their banter and the evolution of their relationship,Continue reading “Review: The Dangerous Ones”

Review: Troubled Waters

Features: Troubled Waters is a captivatingly beautiful and heartfelt piece that will stay with you long past the final page. It weaves together the tale of a family grieving a recent loss with a much longer history of loss and struggle. Told by characters from three different generations, the past comes back to haunt theContinue reading “Review: Troubled Waters”

Review: Queen of Roses

Features: This loose retelling of Arthurian legend turns everything on its head and was a wild ride I totally didn’t expect! There are a lot of intriguing ideas introduced to this version of Camelot that makes it feel unique and fresh. Boleyn constructs this world in such an engaging way that the hunger to knowContinue reading “Review: Queen of Roses”

Review: To You Shall All Flesh Come

Features: Is it really a crime if there are no victims? This supernatural horror centers around the morally gray organ business of Riley, Ray, and Jazz and the FBI detective trying to uncover the secret behind their operation. I am generally not a big fan of vampire books, but this one really hooked me withContinue reading “Review: To You Shall All Flesh Come”

Review: The Maiden & The Unseen

Features: If you like your myths spicy, then The Maiden and The Unseen, a retelling of Hades and Persephone, might just be the book you are looking for. Their story unfolds in present day New York and things get steamy fast. Honestly, this wasn’t really the right book for me, but readers who like mostlyContinue reading “Review: The Maiden & The Unseen”

Review: Paris Adrift

Features: The fate of future Earth rests in Hallie’s hands, but can she be more than just a tool of time? Paris Adrift is a time-bending tale takes you to past, present, and future Paris as Hallie tries to rearrange history to save a future she has never seen. Despite this setup, I found thatContinue reading “Review: Paris Adrift”

Review: All the World Beside

Features: Whew, I’m not sure what I was expecting going in, but it definitely wasn’t this beautifully difficult tale. Rather than being about the development of the relationship between Nathaniel and Arthur itself, All the World Beside focuses a lot more on how their relationship impacts their families and the community of Cana at aContinue reading “Review: All the World Beside”

Review: Of Cages and Crowns

Features: Competition dystopian books are back! Of Cages and Crowns blends the last man standing brutality of The Hunger Games series with the court intrigue of The Selection series and adds a little spice of its own. It shares a lot of the same DNA as its predecessors in this category and will definitely delightContinue reading “Review: Of Cages and Crowns”

Review: Bye, Baby

Features: -Explores themes of toxic friendship, trauma bonding, motherhood, and growing apart. -Starts at the climax -Complicated characters coming to terms with their choices -Multiple character perspectives Billie and Cassie have always been inseparable…until they weren’t. This book about two women growing apart had me captivated from the start. Though there was definitely plenty ofContinue reading “Review: Bye, Baby”

Review: The Bad Ones

Features: “Goddess, Goddess, count to one, who will you pick when the day is done?” With a story centered around local urban legends and a double dutch rhyme, this book really delivers on the creepy vibes. Despite being a bit of a slow burn, I found I just couldn’t put it down. An uncanny feelingContinue reading “Review: The Bad Ones”

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