Review: To You Shall All Flesh Come

Features: Is it really a crime if there are no victims? This supernatural horror centers around the morally gray organ business of Riley, Ray, and Jazz and the FBI detective trying to uncover the secret behind their operation. I am generally not a big fan of vampire books, but this one really hooked me withContinue reading “Review: To You Shall All Flesh Come”

Review: The Maiden & The Unseen

Features: If you like your myths spicy, then The Maiden and The Unseen, a retelling of Hades and Persephone, might just be the book you are looking for. Their story unfolds in present day New York and things get steamy fast. Honestly, this wasn’t really the right book for me, but readers who like mostlyContinue reading “Review: The Maiden & The Unseen”

Review: All the World Beside

Features: Whew, I’m not sure what I was expecting going in, but it definitely wasn’t this beautifully difficult tale. Rather than being about the development of the relationship between Nathaniel and Arthur itself, All the World Beside focuses a lot more on how their relationship impacts their families and the community of Cana at aContinue reading “Review: All the World Beside”

Review: Bye, Baby

Features: -Explores themes of toxic friendship, trauma bonding, motherhood, and growing apart. -Starts at the climax -Complicated characters coming to terms with their choices -Multiple character perspectives Billie and Cassie have always been inseparable…until they weren’t. This book about two women growing apart had me captivated from the start. Though there was definitely plenty ofContinue reading “Review: Bye, Baby”

Review: The Bad Ones

Features: “Goddess, Goddess, count to one, who will you pick when the day is done?” With a story centered around local urban legends and a double dutch rhyme, this book really delivers on the creepy vibes. Despite being a bit of a slow burn, I found I just couldn’t put it down. An uncanny feelingContinue reading “Review: The Bad Ones”

Review: Fractured Soul

Type: Historical Fiction Publication Date: March 14, 2023 (English), August 19, 2019 Links: Goodreads/Amazon/Bookshop/Storygraph Content Warnings: Separation from Parent (Death Implied), Police Brutality, Grief, Racial Slurs, War/Violence This book is a beautiful exploration of music, love, and connection through both conflict and time. Rei/Jacque’s long journey to heal after his traumatic separation from his fatherContinue reading “Review: Fractured Soul”

We’re All Lying

Type: Psychological Thriller, Mystery Date of Publication: March 14, 2023 Links: Goodreads / Bookshop / Amazon / Storygraph Content Warnings: Infidelity This domestic thriller is a quick read with emotional tension right from the start. Told from multiple perspectives, this story is full of drama and intrigue. Despite the layers of deception and number ofContinue reading “We’re All Lying”

Review: Begin Again

Date of Publication: January 24, 2023 Type: Romance, YA/New Adult, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Found Family Content Warnings: Death of a Parent, Cheating/Infidelity, Child Abandonment (Mentioned) Links: Goodreads/Bookshop/ This YA romance has everything I love in a cozy read and left me reminiscing on my own college experience. While this is a story aboutContinue reading “Review: Begin Again”

Review: Better the Blood

Date of Publication: August 18, 2022 Type: Mystery, Thriller, Serial Murder Links: Goodreads / Bookshop / / Amazon / Storygraph Tying New Zealand’s dark colonial past to the social injustices of the present, this race to stop a serial killer becomes about much more than keeping the streets of Auckland safe. As someone unfamiliarContinue reading “Review: Better the Blood”

Review: How to Survive Everything

Date of Publication: March 01, 2021 (EU), November 15, 2022 (USA) Type: Science Fiction, Dystopia, Young Adult, Thriller Links: Goodreads / Bookshop / / Storygraph Content Warnings: Self Harm, Graphic Injury, Kidnapping, Confinement, Mental Health, Pandemic, Gaslighting, Toxic Relationship, Suicide (Attempt) Honestly, this one was a miss for me. The concept had all theContinue reading “Review: How to Survive Everything”

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