Review: Angelbound

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Author: Christina Bauer

Date of Publication: November 12, 2013

Type: Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult

Links: Goodreads / Amazon / Bookshop / / Storygraph

Angelbound is a light, fun read with an interesting world and cool characters. From the large array of demon types to the major races of the 5 realms, there is so much to explore. This version of Purgatory is a place I really wanted to hang in and that made some of the slower bits manageable. There are a few awkward moments, missed opportunities, and odd pacing issues that are small but together prevent this book from really standing out. Despite that, I had a great time reading it and can’t wait to continue the series!

Life in Purgatory for an 18-year old quasi-demon like Myla Lewis can be pretty dull. Ever since the archdemon Armageddon’s war, quasi-demons like Myla have been forced into servitude for the ghouls that now rule the realm. On top of having to attend classes intended to brainwash her and prepare her for servitude, Myla also has to contend with an overprotective mother and a host of unanswered questions about her family’s past. The one thing saving her from true insanity is the Arena where she is occasionally summoned to fight the most evil of souls to prevent them from reaching heaven. However, something is shifting in the delicate balance of power between the 5 major races and Myla starts drawing the attention of angels and demons alike. As if concerns over another war weren’t enough, she keeps running into Lincoln, a handsome yet conceited Thrax who knows just how to get Myla’s demon blood boiling. Mayhem is about to break out in Purgatory with Myla at its very center.

From the variety of creatures to the socio-political interplay, this book does an excellent job building a complex world without overwhelming the reader with too much information. Though the concept of Purgatory, Heaven, Hell, etc. are not necessarily new, this take on it feels unique and well realized. Each of the five major races (Angel, Demon, Ghoul, Quasi-Demon, and Thrax), have their own political and social structures that greatly differ from one another and Bauer does a great job managing the tensions between these groups in a way that feels natural. My only complaint is that I wish we had the opportunity to explore this world and its history more. With Myla being our narrator, it makes sense that our view is a little more limited and I appreciate how much Bauer is able to convey within those limitations. However, it means there is still so much left to explore in the rest of the series!

Though I found the main cast of characters endearing, there is not a lot of depth to them. They all just feel kind of stagnant and don’t grow or change in ways that feel significant or meaningful. Some interesting things definitely happen to them, but I don’t feel like their adaptations to the situations they are put in necessarily reflect a deeper personal shift. Additionally, some character traits such as Myla’s martial prowess or her mother’s political savvy are usually not highlighted by them achieving a great feat but by making all those around them seem inept. As a result, it didn’t make the characters feel as ‘stand out’ as they really are. Despite all of this, I was invested in their journey and want to know what is coming next. 

I used the audiobook version for this read and feel that this book (and series) would be best to read rather than listen to. Though the reader gives each character a unique voice, they are highly characterized in a way that I didn’t always feel natural and the reader does not vary each voice to adapt to different situations. Overall, it made the characters feel more clunky and awkward than they actually are and took away from some of the more emotional moments.

Special thanks to NetGalley for providing this audiobook ARC!

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