Review: Traveler

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Author: Nola Nash

Traveler is a time bending tale that is perfect for those looking for a lighter read with a bit of history and mythology strewn in. It lovingly depicts famous locals in both their past and present forms as our main character tries to find her place in it all. There’s also a bit of mythology mixed because…why not? 

The story begins with travel writer Shelby Starling finishing a stint in Jamaica before heading off to Rome. Despite having a seemingly incurable case of wanderlust, she has become jaded from the endless tours and ‘travel experiences’ she must endure. Usually, it’s nothing a few stiff drinks and sarcasm can’t cure. But beneath it all, Shelby is looking for a place she feels she belongs. Shelby’s aimless journey takes on a whole new meaning when she is suddenly thrust back in time after touching the walls of the colosseum. A great destiny awaits. Shelby just has to figure out where, and when, it is. 

I found this book really easy to read and a good way to escape. Especially after not being able to travel for so long, it is nice to live Shelby’s adventures to some beautifully described places. However, Shelby’s experiences in the past are probably what is most fascinating to me. One of the big ideas behind her time travel is that she is an observer on the fringes of world-altering events.That sense of always being a witness instead of a player defines Shelby in many ways and speaks to many others as well; particularly women. It’s not just about finding place, but finding purpose. Though given a standard ‘discover your destiny’ package, this idea still resonated.

For better or for worse, this is definitely a book where you get almost exactly what you expect. Despite having some interesting concepts, it does not dive deep enough to have a particular ‘wow’ factor. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I definitely enjoy sitting down with books like this on occasion. However, I also left feeling like there is a lot of untapped potential. 

Overall, this “New Adult” book is a quick, easy, and interesting read. Both the history and mythology are well researched and presented in a way that is very accessible. This book is pretty clean, but the main character deals with alcoholism and there are some violent scenes.

Special thanks to NetGalley for providing this ARC!

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